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Book recommendations for the lonely, sad and bored – Slammed

The days are getting shorter and one can think of far greater things than going out into the cruel outside world where cold winds and social interactions seem to attack one out of every corner. Life confined to the small spaces of one’s bedroom can get quite boring sometimes and maybe you’re tired of binge-watching Netflix until your eyes bleed. Well let me introduce you to this cool non-electronic thing which is called a book and can possibly entertain you for hours. So, listen up geeks, bored people or those of you who just clicked on this article because they felt like it. I will give you some book recommendations which will probably rock your world.

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Book recommendations for the lonely, sad and bored – The Lunar chronicles

The days are getting shorter and one can think of far greater things than going out into the cruel outside world where cold winds and social interactions seem to attack one out of every corner. Life confined to the small spaces of one’s bedroom can get quite boring sometimes and maybe you’re tired of binge-watching Netflix until your eyes bleed. Well let me introduce you to this cool non-electronic thing which is called a book and can possibly entertain you for hours. So, listen up geeks, bored people or those of you who just clicked on this article because they felt like it. I will give you some book recommendations which will probably rock your world.

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Book recommendations for the lonely, sad and bored – The Alchemist

The days are getting shorter and one can think of far greater things than going out into the cruel outside world where cold winds and social interactions seem to attack one out of every corner. Life confined to the small spaces of one’s bedroom can get quite boring sometimes and maybe you’re tired of binge-watching Netflix until your eyes bleed. Well let me introduce you to this cool non-electronic thing which is called a book and can possibly entertain you for hours. So, listen up geeks, bored people or those of you who just clicked on this article because they felt like it. I will give you some book recommendations which will probably rock your world.

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Book recommendations for the lonely, sad and bored – The Princess Bride

The days are getting shorter and one can think of far greater things than going out into the cruel outside world where cold winds and social interactions seem to attack one out of every corner. Life confined to the small spaces of one’s bedroom can get quite boring sometimes and maybe you’re tired of binge-watching Netflix until your eyes bleed. Well let me introduce you to this cool non-electronic thing which is called a book and can possibly entertain you for hours. So, listen up geeks, bored people or those of you who just clicked on this article because they felt like it. I will give you some book recommendations which will probably rock your world.

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10 Tipps gegen Winterdepressionen

Irgendwie ist es doch jedes Jahr das Gleiche: Der Sommer geht viel zu schnell vorbei. Gerade noch hat man sich mit Freunden am See getroffen, und plötzlich fängt das Wintersemester an und es fallen die ersten braunen Blätter von den Bäumen. Seid ihr in dieser Zeit auch irgendwie melancholisch drauf? Werdet ihr plötzlich lustlos, antriebslos, das Aufstehen fällt euch schwer? Wenn euch das bekannt vorkommt, dann leidet ihr vielleicht an sogenannten „Winterdepressionen“ oder dem „Herbstblues“. (mehr …)

Menschenmengen in Tübingen

Draußen wird es immer früher dunkel und überall riecht es nach Glühwein und heißer Schokolade. Bunte Projektionen lieferten ein fröhliches Farbenspiel und erhellten bei tristen Wetter die Gemüter der Schokoladenliebhaber. Das alljährliche CHOCOLART FESTIVAL in der Altstadt ist wieder vorüber hier kommt ein kleiner Rückblick, was es alles zu sehen, probieren und kaufen gab.
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